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Fellow-Led Workshop: Game Theory for All ClassroomsExtracurricularIn-Person

Teachers are led in song by conductor Amber Salladin.

Thursday, Feb 29, 2024

St. Ann's School -- The Rotunda
33 Clinton St
Brooklyn, NY 11201

5-7 p.m.

$10 for teachers, includes dinner ($35 value)

CTLE credit available

This workshop will provide vivid insights into how we make decisions as individuals and in collaboration—how we solve problems and how we learn. Participants will explore a variety of games that model dynamics in nature and society; game theory also connects to economics and political science. The activities will be challenging and fun, easy to learn, yet deceptively complex and deep. They’ll spark discussions and ideas for bringing strategic thinking into many types of classrooms. This workshop is ideal for STEAM teachers who are seeking fresh ideas for hands-on classroom activities and for opportunities to learn.

CTLE credit will be provided.

Henry Kandel

Henry Kandel has taught math and science for thirty years at Saint Ann’s School. He currently teaches physics and astronomy, and has designed electives in cognitive science, calculus, game theory, the science of sci-fi, and the science of music. He ran the after-school improvisational theater group for over a decade. He also works as a yoga teacher and consultant in the use of legal psychedelics to support therapy and creative flow.