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Growing up in a Porn Culture: Challenges and SolutionsSpecial EventVirtual

Headshot of Dr. Gail Dines

Thursday, Apr 18, 2024

5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Free Zoom Event

The Academy for Teachers offers this free online event to the education community as a public service regarding an alarming reality for our children.

Smartphones and teen-targeted social media sites have made it shockingly easy for teenagers to access hardcore pornography. Free, violent, and based on the degradation and abuse of women and children, hardcore porn has become a primary source of sex “education” for young people, leading to increased anxiety, depression, decreased empathy, unhealthy relationships, lowered empathy for rape victims, and greater likelihoods of engaging in risky sex at a younger age. In this online talk, Dr. Gail Dines will discuss these issues and introduce Culture Reframed, a free resource that helps parents and educators navigate the precarious terrain of hypersexualized social media and pornography.


CTLE credit will be provided.

Dr. Gail Dines

Dr. Gail Dines, a professor emerita of sociology, has been researching and writing about the pornography industry for over thirty years. She is a recipient of the Myers Center Award for the Study of Human Rights in North America, and author of numerous books and articles. Her latest book, Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, has been translated into five languages. Dr. Dines is the founding president and CEO of the nonprofit Culture Reframed. Dedicated to building resilience and resistance in children and youth to the harms of a hypersexualized and pornified society, Culture Reframed develops cutting-edge educational programs that promote healthy development, relationships, and sexuality. She has worked with organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control, the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals, as well as government bodies in the US, Brazil, the UK, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, and Canada. She regularly appears on CNN, NPR, BBC, CBC, and writes for media outlets such as The Guardian, The Washington Post, Newsweek, and The Boston Globe.

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